Firstly, apologies for the lack of blog content to all three of you who read this. We've been busy as balls through December. We played a couple a gigs since I last updated and they went pretty well - A corker in Le Pub with Newport's finest, Lil Deaths and the tragic Hobgoblin. Now, I'm not one to rag on other bands. I respect anyone with the stones to get up there, but when you go on an hour late to do a 45 minute set, on a 4-band bill, wearing a turquoise sequined stetson and a pair of fucking chinos, you're taking the piss really.*
We were played on Adam Walton's radio wales show twice over christmas. He also out us in in his top music of 2008 or something, Cheers ad, you're a dream. We were also named as one of
Therapy?'s favourite demo's of 2008. We don't even know those guys. cool huh?
Anyway, things are on the up. The kennel klub is a stripper pole short of a pimp pad. It's looking fly in there. Myself and J-dog broke her in last week with our first recording experience. Not sure what we're gonna do with it, but we'll have a new Ep or something soon. it might be released or up for download. Watch this space.
More gigs on the
myspace come along, take some photos 'cause we have none.
*Photographic evidence to come.